Revolutionary New Website – Opal Broadcasting Network


I am extremely pleased to announce the Launch of the revolutionary new website, Opal Broadcasting Network.

After a year of planning and the usual sweat and tears this type of project induces, it’s finally here. I can’t wait to get started!

Opal boasts broadcasting high quality film programs, of a professional nature, called the “Program”, to subscribers, called “Viewers”, from filmmakers, called the “Producer”.

The programs available will be selectively picked by Opal, which hope to inspire and educate people around the world. We want viewers to experience new cultures, different ideas, expand mentally and uplift spiritually. But most importantly to give viewers an alternative to mind numbing broadcasting and give them back their intelligence they deserve.

Subscribers can view programs, in a pay by view nature, with – no ongoing fees. Viewers will buy their ticket, though the book your seat button in the Program Guide on the website, or from emails viewers receive once they register.

With the launch of Opal, we proudly announce that Opal gives Producers, a new platform to showcase their work, and to a captive audience. Each film will be released with it’s own online broadcasting date, allowing the program to be showcased, marketed, and not just uploaded into a sea of other mediocre videos. The viewers get the opportunity to know about each program that comes to Opal, giving the producer every opportunity to be seen.

Yet the most impressive aspect of Opal is the percentage of the ticket price that goes directly back to the Producer. It’s not like other sites where the Producer could be given as low as, or if not less than, the 10% mark. We give 75% of the ticket price to the Producer. Yes that’s right. We want producers to be able to finance themselves to make more films gems.

All of this provides a unique way of viewing and broadcasting on the Internet, and provides an alternative to traditional television. Viewers can pick and choose their programs, but producers actually have the opportunity to make a living.

I am extremely proud of this website and the concept behind it. And I especially love how it supports the film industry. I hope you love it to.

To view our first programs Click Here

Alissa Johnson
Opal Broadcasting Network